Accessing New Horizons Data

As of 6/5/2018

  • Searches of the LORRI and MVIC data are supported in OPUS.
  • LORRI data search parameters include enhanced geometric parameters for which values have been generated by the RMS node.
  • We have generated enhanced geometric metadata for MVIC and plan to incorporate it into OPUS in the near future.

Getting the Data You Want

The table below contains links to, all of the available LORRI and MVIC data volumes from post launch cruise, the Jupiter encounter, Pluto cruise, and the Pluto encounter.

  • Review a volume on-line by clicking the volume ID.

  • Download an entire volume, by right clicking on that volume’s “Bundled” link in the second table.

The bundled volumes are provided in tar.gz format.

  • Browse will take you to a directory containing sub-directories of preview images for each data product in the volume.

    • MVIC produces images that are extremely wide strips. Full-resolution browse images use each image’s native proportions. Smaller “thumbnail” previews have been generated by wrapping each strip left-to-right and top-to-bottom, like text on a page. This makes it easier to see the entire content of each image clearly in a smaller amount of screen space. Previews are color-coded to indicate the wavelength band, blue for the shortest wavelength through deepest red for the IR and methane filters.
  • Extended Index will take you to the extended index of metadata for the volume.

  • Geometry Index will take you to the index of enhanced geometric metadata for the volume.

Available Volumes

Description Volume ID Bundled Volumes Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Cruise to Jupiter
Raw LORRI NHLALO_1001 NHLALO_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib LORRI NHLALO_2001 NHLALO_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Raw MVIC NHLAMV_1001 NHLAMV_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib MVIC NHLAMV_2001 NHLAMV_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Jupiter Flyby
Raw LORRI NHJULO_1001 NHJULO_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib LORRI NHJULO_2001 NHJULO_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Raw MVIC NHJUMV_1001 NHJUMV_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib MVIC NHJUMV_2001 NHJUMV_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Cruise to Pluto
Raw LORRI NHPCLO_1001 NHPCLO_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib LORRI NHPCLO_2001 NHPCLO_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Raw MVIC NHPCMV_1001 NHPCMV_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib MVIC NHPCMV_2001 NHPCMV_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Pluto Flyby & Cruise
Raw LORRI NHPELO_1001 NHPELO_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib LORRI NHPELO_2001 NHPELO_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Raw MVIC NHPEMV_1001 NHPEMV_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib MVIC NHPEMV_2001 NHPEMV_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Cruise to Arrokoth
Raw LORRI NHKCLO_1001 NHKCLO_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib LORRI NHKCLO_2001 NHKCLO_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Raw MVIC NHKCMV_1001 NHKCMV_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib MVIC NHKCMV_2001 NHKCMV_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Arrokoth Flyby & Cruise
Raw LORRI NHKELO_1001 NHKELO_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib LORRI NHKELO_2001 NHKELO_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Raw MVIC NHKEMV_1001 NHKEMV_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib MVIC NHKEMV_2001 NHKEMV_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
“KEM2” Extended Kuiper Belt Mission
Raw LORRI NHK2LO_1001 NHK2LO_1001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata
Calib LORRI NHK2LO_2001 NHK2LO_2001.tar.gz Browse Images Enhanced Metadata